Your Home Office: How to Choose the Right Printer

by | Mar 31, 2017 | Printing

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Printers are going to be something that your home office needs to have. They can be an expensive piece of equipment, but it will be used quite a bit. While you may be able to keep printing to a minimum, some things need to be hardcopy. Invoices, filings, and marketing material may all need to be printed for your business to run effectively. The top things to look for in a printer are features, upfront costs, and maintenance costs.

Printer Features

Modern day printers do a lot more than just print now. They can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and capabilities. Depending on your business, you are going to want to make sure that the printer you choose is going to meet all of your needs. In the case of high printing demands, ensuring that your printer can keep up is going to be important. On the other hand, if your company only does the odd one page invoice, you can probably get away with a simpler model. Scanning, copying and faxing are also features that commonly come with a printer, and they can provide value even if you are only needing the occasional copy.

Upfront Costs

How much is this thing going to cost? That is going to depend greatly on what features you need. A top of the line printer can run you thousands of dollars, but they are going to be fast, efficient, and come with decent customer service. A simple discount printer can be found for under $100; however there are going to be limitations on its print speed and quality.

Maintenance Costs

The biggest ongoing cost of a printer is going to be ink. You can make sure your printing habits are going to maximize your ink life, but you are still going to be buying new cartridges. You can try to find ink cartridges cheap online or in specialty stores, and that can save you quite a bit of money. Using manufacturer’s information, your printing habits, and the cartridges size you can calculate out the cost of ink over a set timeframe. Some higher cost printers will actually have a lower usage cost, due to their more efficient ink usage.

If you are looking for ink cartridges for cheap check out Toner Pals.

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