Restore That Leaking Roof With Help From an Experienced Roofing Contractor in Lisle IL

by | May 17, 2017 | Roofing Contractor

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The roof of a house serves a couple of important functions. The first is the structural support that the skeleton of rafters and joists provide and the second is a protective cover to keep out the elements. However, the roof can also affect the home in other ways. For instance, an aging roof can make a house look run down and an improperly vented roof can trap heat in the attic.

There are various ways that a Roofing Contractor in Lisle IL can handle the problems that a roof develops. Consider the case of improper ventilation. The most common option is to add a vent or two on the sloped surface of the roof. A better solution may be to add a crown vent. This vent runs the length of the crown and is designed so that heat can easily escape without moisture entering the building.

The most common solution for roofing failure is to replace the shingles or other covering. This may eliminate the leaks, but it may not fix every problem that the roof has developed. A leak can damage vital components including the decking that holds the roofing material in place. For the last few decades, the housing industry has been using an engineered wood known as OSB or oriented strand board.

One of the ways that a leak can affect OSB is to swell the fibers in the wood. Swelling of the wood can push the strands up against the shingles and cause them to cup. The curve that the shingle makes resembles an upside down cup and can cause the roof to develop more issues. This is one reason why regular inspections by a Roofing Contractor in Lisle IL is critical. Most roofing leaks will be visible on the back side of the decking so the problem can be caught before it spreads.

Once it is time to replace the roof, the property owner will need to make some decisions. For example, they will have to decide which shingles they want to use. There are several choices including the three tab shingle, composite shingles, and laminated shingles. The three tab shingles provide the roof with a uniform appearance while the other two give it a distinctive look. Learn more about roofing solutions from experts like those at Business Name.

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