Debt is an incredibly tough thing to deal with. Life can be going along perfectly, when all of a sudden you are hit with something like a major illness or job loss, and now you simply aren’t able to pay all of your bills. Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in PA can substantially ease the financial burdens you are faced with by reorganizing your debt. The court negotiates with your debtors to bring down monthly payments, and maybe even write off certain debts.
How He Can Help
When you are looking for an attorney to help with the bankruptcy filing, you need a good lawyer. The Law Offices of David M. Offen are located in Philadelphia. He is an experienced bankruptcy attorney and also a Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer. As an attorney handling bankruptcy, he has people in all walks of life get out from under the burden of unexpected debt. He has also helped people avoid foreclosure on their homes.
Alternatives to Bankruptcy
If bankruptcy doesn’t seem like it’s your style, he can help you find some alternatives to bankruptcy. Although he has had a great deal of success with filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy in PA, again, he knows financial law like nobody’s business, so he can help you find an alternative. He’s very adept at helping you consolidate your debt, or even get creditors to stop harassing you. He may be able to speak to them and get them to work with you a bit, maybe set up a payment plan, one that works for everybody involved.
He Can Get Creditors to Stop Harassing You
If he finds that the methods of trying to get you to pay go beyond what the law says they can do, David will find that and leap on that. However, even if they are not breaking the law, he still may be able to get them to stop calling you quite as much. Every case at the Law Offices of David M Offen is different, but he is willing and prepared to face the challenge.
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