Checklist for a Quality HVAC System Installation in Hereford, TX

by | Jun 29, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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Any individual or homeowner who plans on doing an HVAC System Installation in Hereford TX or replacing their HVAC system should ensure they engage the services of a qualified and skilled professional. The HVAC system is a critical part of the home and, as such, its installation should not be entrusted to unlicensed technicians. Ensure that the contractor has the requisite experience and qualifications to do the job properly. Professional contractors who provide quality HVAC System Installation in Hereford TX must implement the following.

• Ample space should be left in and around the HVAC equipment to allow for air-flow, maintenance, and servicing.

• A programmable thermostat should be installed. The contractor should set it to the desired level and explain the method of operating it.

• Show the homeowner the location of the filters and explain when and how to change them.

• For new heat pumps and furnaces, the airflow must be tested.

• For heating equipment, the burner operation should be checked as well as proper venting. The contractor should also instruct the homeowner on how to detect flue leaks.

• Coordinate the outdoor and indoor coils to ensure that they function in sync at maximum efficiency.

• The airflow to and fro the coil, as well as the refrigerant charge, should be checked to ensure that they conform to the specifications of the manufacturer.

• Ensure that components such as the compressor and condenser are positioned in a place that offers some protection from the elements.

The contractor should choose an HVAC system that matches the size of the home as well as its needs. This requires experience and skill, and if not done properly, the HVAC system will deliver inconsistent temperature throughout the home. It may also result in increased operating costs. In more serious cases, choosing an improperly sized HVAC system or using unskilled installation contractors may result in backdrafting. This means that the flue gases will be drawn into the house.

When used, the above checklist guarantees that the contractor has done a quality HVAC System Installation in Hereford TX. For more information and inquiries on the best contractors for HVAC installation, please click here. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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