When you visit your pediatric specialist in Carlsbad, you have likely receive a prescription for some type of antibiotic for your child in the past. However, how much do you really know about this medication? You may have heard the news reports and other information, but how much of it is true and how much of it is false? Here you can learn about the facts and a few myths about antibiotics and your kids.
How do Antibiotics Work
Both viruses and bacteria can result in your child getting sick. A bacteria is a one-celled, living organism and antibiotics work by killing them and stopping the cycle of reproduction and growth. A virus is different. These aren’t “alive” and they only reproduce and grow after they have moved into other living cells in the body. Antibiotics are completely ineffective against viruses which is why your pediatric specialist in Carlsbad will not prescribe them for this purpose.
When can Antibiotics be Useful?
There are several situations when antibiotics may be beneficial. However, any type of fever, cough, ear infection, sore throat or cold that is caused by a virus should not be treated with an antibiotic. In some cases, these symptoms may be part of a more serious condition. It is best to let your pediatric specialist in Carlsbad determine the underlying cause of your child’s illness. Some illnesses that may respond to antibiotics include strep throat, sinus infections, urinary tract infections, whooping cough and pneumonia. This is because they are caused by a bacteria.
If you are taking your child to the doctor, it is a good idea to ask whether or not they have a virus or if the illness is caused by a bacteria. This will let you know whether or not antibiotics will be effective in treating the condition.
If you need more information about children’s health care, visit the Children’s Primary Care Medical Group website.