Foundation Damage Repair and Grout Pumping in Mississippi

by | Aug 1, 2013 | Foundation Repair

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With the types of soils seen in the region, there is a potential for foundations to crack and for concrete floors to settle. When that happens, the structural integrity of the entire building is threatened. To protect the structure, repairing the foundation and grout pumping to fill voids is critical.

When any damage to the foundation is observed, contacting a company specializing in repairing all types of foundations is required. Repairs made when damage is first noted are, as a rule, simpler and less expensive than repairs left until damages have worsened. Contacting a specialist in foundation repairs is highly recommended, as those companies will be better able to evaluate what repairs are actually required to halt current damage and prevent future damage. For example, in this region, a company like Ewing & Ray Foundation Services Inc. should be contacted to provide an evaluation and estimate the costs of repairing the damage.

Any time settling has occurred, voids will be present beneath the existing concrete when leveling and other repairs are completed. Those voids must be filled to help in the prevention of future damage. Generally, grout pumping will be recommended to push material beneath the concrete to fill any voids. Grout Pumping Mississippi contractors are experienced in providing this type of service.

Top companies providing Grout Pumping Mississippi services also understand that stabilizing the foundation is only a part of most repairs. Foundation damage generally occurs because of water entering the areas around and beneath a structure. Creating proper drainage away from a structure must be a part of any foundation repair to prevent future damage. Simply providing adequate slope away from the structure may be enough in some instances, but heavy soil types may also need to have supplemental drainage systems installed to assist in moving water away from the foundation area.

Whatever your needs, the company selected to provide those repairs must be qualified to conduct those repairs. Deal only with a company that can demonstrate past experience in the type of repairs needed. The company representative should also carefully explain exactly how each step of the repair serves to protect the building. Estimates should be itemized so that there are no misunderstandings over what services are actually being provided.

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