Keep Your Lawn Beautiful and Comfortable with Lawn Treatment Service in Wellington Florida

by | Aug 23, 2017 | Pest Control

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A comfortable, beautiful lawn contains green grass and lush shrubs and plants. For the most part, maintaining a lawn does not take much work at all. Proper watering and mowing, as well as trimming the shrubbery can provide enough care to keep a lawn beautiful, year after year. Unfortunately, various factors can reduce the look of the yard and plants. These factors can cause brown or dead grass, as well as damaged plants and shrubs. Fortunately, Lawn Treatment Service Wellington Florida can help.

Fertilization and root feeding

Sometimes, soil does not have enough nutrients to keep grass and plants growing healthy. Grass can be thin or patchy, plants may not thrive or even grow at all. In these cases, Lawn Treatment Service Wellington Florida can be a benefit. These treatments can fertilize the lawn and plants with the right nutrients to allow them to grow healthy and beautiful. Lawn treatment services can also offer root feeding to provide fertilization deep into the soil to ensure plants get the nutrients they need.

Weed and fungus control

Weeds are common problems in yards and flower beds. They can grow and spread quickly throughout these areas. Not only are they unsightly, but they can also choke out plants around them by soaking up water, nutrients, and sunlight the other plants need. In addition, fungus can take hold in yards, as well. This can also cause serious issues with the growth of many types of plants. Lawn treatments can provide protection from these things, as well as kill off any existing invaders. Click here for more details.

Insect control

A major benefit of Lawn Treatment Service Wellington Florida is insect control. These treatments can kill off various types of insects that can destroy a lawn. For example, white-flies can invade a property and live on the underside of various plants throughout the yard. They will then feed on the plants. This can destroy the beautiful appeal of these plants in a yard. Other insects and pests can also be eliminated by these treatments to provide a beautiful and healthy yard.

Companies, such as Above & Beyond Pest Control in Wellington Florida, can provide lawn treatment services throughout the area. They can also offer various pest control packages to help maintain a yard and home free of these nuisances. In addition, they can offer a free inspection of the area to provide information on pests risks.

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