Properly Caring For Vinyl Banners in Jacksonville FL

by | Sep 4, 2017 | Business

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When a restaurant or bar owner wishes to attract new customers into their establishment, adding Banners in Jacksonville FL on the exterior of their building is a great way to get attention. Protecting banners from premature ware will ensure they can be used again in the future. Here are some tips that will aid in keeping a vinyl banner in the best of condition.

Protect The Banner From The Elements

It is best to place a vinyl banner in an area of the building where it is not exposed to harsh weather conditions. Placing a banner underneath an eave or on the front siding of the establishment will ensure it is not in a spot where excessive moisture or sunlight will be directed toward it. These areas will also aid in keeping a banner from becoming ruined if winds are strong.

Clean The Banner To Remove Surface Debris

Taking the time to clean a vinyl banner will help it remain looking like new. A mild cleaning agent can be diluted with water and placed in a spray bottle to moisten the lettered area. The damp banner can then be dried with a piece of soft cloth. Wiping down a banner every few weeks will help to remove any insect carcasses as well as mud or dust buildup.

Store The Banner During Times It Is Not Used

A vinyl banner needs to be stored in an appropriate manner so it remains clean and free of wrinkles. Rolling a banner is best so debris does not settle upon the wording while in store. A rolled banner can then be placed inside of a plastic or cardboard tube, box, or container for safekeeping. Rubber bands will secure the banner so it does not unravel.

When there is a need to find a company to print Banners in Jacksonville FL, looking for a reliable service with plenty of options in design work is usually desired. Contact Graphics Garage today to find out more about the process in having a banner made for a business. They will also be able to provide additional tips in keeping it in a pristine state.

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