Frequently Asked Questions About Executive Protection Dogs in Texas

by | Sep 7, 2017 | Pets

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It is hardly a secret that current times may call for unique forms of personal protection. If one is well-known or has a particularly high-level form of employment, the need for this protection is increased exponentially. Therefore, Executive Protection Dogs in Texas may be needed to assure a person remains safe from harm. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about just what this form of protection entails.

Q: Why would an executive need a protection dog?

A: There are quite a few reasons. While guns need to be reloaded, may misfire, or are simply not allowed in some situations, a protection dog is always ready to defend. Alarm systems need to be turned on, monitored, and activated. Not so with protection dogs. They stand sentry at all times, as that is what they are trained to do.

Q: Will protection dogs kill somebody?

A: They can, if necessary. Executive Protection Dogs in Texas are trained to pursue, apprehend, and hold until given a specific command to release. They can also terminate the aggressive intruder or attacker if the situation calls for it.

Q: Are protection dogs in good health?

A: Absolutely. Any professional school such as True Canine International will make sure they are examined by a veterinarian. The hips, elbows, and spine of the dog undergo x-ray examination to ensure there is no damage or symptoms of such things as arthritis.

Q: Are protection dogs safe to have around children?

A: Yes. The dogs are socialized at a very young age and have much experience beings around people of all sexes, ages, and races. If the dog does not detect a threat, they are just a regular part of the family, much like any other dogs would be.

Q: Is there anything else that needs to be done after purchasing a protection dog?

A: Experts recommend protection dogs meet with their original trainers approximately once every 9 to 12 months. This ensures the protection dog is kept sharp and does not lose their bite work.

Browse the website for more information on what purchasing an executive protection dog entails and how they can make life safer for their owner.

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