When it comes to health, it is good to have everything in balance. Otherwise, a disruption can lead to sickness. This, anyway, is the stance that practitioners of Chinese medicine take on health. The energy or life force in your body, which Chinese medicine practitioners call chi, is believed to circulate through meridians. Western doctors believe these meridians are sites on the body where the muscles, connective tissue, and nerves are stimulated.
An acupuncturist in Tigard, OR, however, considers meridians to serve as paths. When an acupuncturist inserts needles at specific points along the meridians, they believe that doing so rebalances a person’s life force or flow of energy.
Two Different Approaches to Finding Health
As you can see, the Western practices and Eastern practices of medicine are polar opposites in this respect. Whereas Western doctors treat a patient for an illness or condition, Eastern practitioners of medicine normally address treatments from a wellness standpoint.
When the Eastern approach is used, it is defined as being holistic. A holistic approach does not look at one specific health concern but surveys a person’s health in terms of interconnections among parts of the body. Looking at the body through the lens of these interconnections allows the practitioner to treat the body as a whole when addressing diseases or conditions.
That is why an acupuncturist can be an invaluable person to seek out. Not only can acupuncture be used to relieve chronic pain, but it can also be used to enhance total body health, promote healthy body functions, and support self-healing.
A Relaxing Therapy
An acupuncturist practices this treatment after reviewing a patient’s health history. The patient, during an acupuncture session, lies on a treatment table. Fine sterile needles are placed at “acupoints” to help the body heal itself, and each needle is retained in place between 5 and 30 minutes. The insertion of these needles causes little or no discomfort. In fact, most patients actually report feeling very relaxed during an acupuncture session.
Places like Spire Holistic Health use acupuncture to treat such conditions as allergies, depression, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, neck pain, morning sickness, stroke, headache, knee pain, and even tennis elbow. As a result, the treatment can extend to all ages and health conditions. See for yourself how this type of holistic treatment can improve your overall health.