Benefits Of Slate Roof Installation In Port Washington, NY

by | Nov 21, 2017 | Roofing

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When a person builds a home, there are plenty of decisions that need to be made. One of the most important decisions is the material to be used for the roof. When it comes to roofing materials, there are plenty of options. One option that has many benefits is slate roofing. If a homeowner is unsure if Slate Roof Installation in Port Washington NY is the best option, they should know all of the benefits associated with using this material.

Nicest Appearance

Of all the roofing materials available, slate roofing is the most attractive. If a homeowner is trying to choose a material that will improve the appearance of the home, slate is the best option. Also, there are plenty of choices available when a homeowner chooses slate roofing. Slate comes in a variety of sizes and colors. Homeowners can choose between black, red, gray, green, purple, and mottled tiles. These are slate tiles that have several colors mixed together.

Long Lifespan

If a homeowner is looking for a roof that has a long lifespan, they should go with slate. A slate roof can last for up to 150 years while a traditional asphalt roof will last for 20 to 30 years. While a slate roof will initially cost more than an asphalt roof, a slate roof will save the homeowner money in the long run. Since a slate roof will last five times longer than an asphalt roof, it is also the most cost-effective choice.

Fire Resistant

Of all the roofing materials available, slate roofs are one of the most fire-resistant. Since the tiles are fireproof, the home cannot be caught on fire by fireworks, the sparks created from wildfires, or a fire in the home next door.

Environmentally Friendly

Roofing waste makes up about five percent of the total waste that goes to landfills each year. The majority of roofing waste is from asphalt roofs. This is because these roofs need to be replaced every 20 to 30 years. Since slate roofs can last up to 150 years, they don’t make up much of the roofing waste in landfills.

When it comes to choosing a roofing material for a new home, slate roof installation in Port Washington NY is the way to go. For more information, check out website domain.

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