A Bolingbrook wrongful death lawyer will ensure that they have collected all the documentation for the case, and they will ask their clients for documents that help substantiate their case. Every wrongful death suit has a few parts that must be covered, and assistance is required from the plaintiff to establish grounds for a lawsuit.
Death Certificate
A death certificate for the death of any loved one must be produced to show their time of death, their cause of death, and their place of death. The court must be provided this documentation by a Bolingbrook wrongful death lawyer if they are to award damages to the family. Someone who has not been assigned a death certificate may be missing, and that is an entirely different situation for the family.
Medical Records
Medical records are required to establish a link between the accused party and the death of a loved one. Medical records will show that injuries sustained on the property or in the vehicle of the defendant are connected to the death of the plaintiff’s loved one. The court cannot continue if they do not have a clear connection between injuries and a subsequent death as shown in the case.
A Connection Between the Defendant and the Deceased
There must be a connection established between the deceased and the defendant who has been sued for damages. The connection may include employment documents, and they are required to show that the defendant should have given care to the deceased. Each document helps a Bolingbrook wrongful death lawyer to further prove a claim.
Mary Ann Covone P.C. Attorney At Law serves Bolingbrook, Western Springs, and additional areas around Cook County, Illinois. The firm understands how to collect documentation and file wrongful death claims for any family to ensure a fair resolution.