What To Expect From The Local Dog Park In Mt. Vernon

by | Dec 5, 2017 | Animals

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In Washington, working pet owners take their furbabies to a vet or kennel while they work typically. However, there is a new option for them that is far more enjoyable for their pets. The local country club designed specifically for dogs and cats offers a daycare program with plenty of extras. Access to a local Dog Park in Mt. Vernon is available with the services.

Walking the Dogs

The caregivers that are assigned to the dogs walk each dog for a total of fifteen minutes each day. All dogs are placed on leashes to maximize safety and control over the furbabies. The park provides ample space for the dogs to get plenty of exercises, and the dogs run off any nervous energy.

Access to Playgrounds and Equipment

The playground for local dogs measures forty feet-by-forty feet. It has several equipment options for the dogs to use throughout playtime. The dogs stay entertained at all times, and they receive up to two hours of playtime each day. The caregivers at the facility monitor the dogs closely and assure pet owners that their animals will stay safe throughout their stay.

A Safe Environment

Cats are also welcome to stay at the pet daycare facility, and the kitties are placed in a separate section to keep them safer. All the dogs remain within the designated kennels and suites while they are resting. The separate sections lower the potential for an incident or injury.

The Requirements for Pet Owners

All pet owners are required to provide updated shot records for their pets when signing them up for the service. All dogs must be vaccinated for Bordetella, DHPP, and rabies. All cats must be vaccinated for rabies, Leukemia, and FVRCP. All vaccination records must be updated according to their vet’s schedule.

In Washington, working pet owners can take advantage of invaluable services for their dogs and cats. Pet daycare services provide a safe outlet for furbabies when their owners are away. The pets receive adequate nutrition, treats, and all the love they need during their stay. Pet owners who want to learn more about the local Dog Park in Mt. Vernon can contact Business Name right now.

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