Why Homeowners Rely on Pest Management Services in Ashburn, VA for Mold Removal

by | Jan 18, 2018 | Pest Control

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Even the cleanest Virginia homes may develop mold problems because the fungus can grow in many hidden places. Once mold takes root it typically spreads quickly and can pollute indoor air. As a result, area homeowners rely on specialists like the mold treatment staff at Pest Management Services in Ashburn VA. They will thoroughly inspect homes, find all mold problems and safely remove them. In the process technicians eliminate a range of dangerous viruses and bacteria.

Professionals Locate Mold Sources

Homeowners rarely have the training or tools to locate every mold source, but companies like Pest Management Services in Ashburn VA include specially-trained inspectors will find every growth and its cause. Sources can include faulty HVAC equipment, compromised vapor barriers and even broken humidistats. Specialists find problems such as leaking pipes, cracked foundations and mold that has taken root as the result of flooding. Experts like the teams working for PMSI Mold Treatment Division include industrial hygienists who provide mold testing. Once they have evaluated homes thoroughly, they present their findings to clients and recommend solutions.

Technicians Prevent Mold From Spreading

Another reason that professionals should remove mold is that the fungus spreads quickly and easily. Even if homeowners locate every source, their cleaning efforts are likely to remove surface mold while agitating spores that will grow in other areas. In fact, many DIY mold cleaning projects make the problem worse. Experts understand that spores just need moisture, warmth and a food source to grow out of control, so they take steps to contain mold during remediation. Technicians often suggest that clients have ductwork professionally cleaned to prevent mold from spreading or contaminating indoor air.

Expert Cleaning Eliminates Health Hazards

Professional mold removal protects homeowners from being exposed to unhealthy pollutants during DIY removal projects. It also eliminates a range of dangerous toxins. During treatments professionals kill bacteria and viruses that include herpes simplex type 1 and 2, hepatitis B and C and E. coli. Experts also eliminate resistant strains of MRSA, RSV and salmonella enteric. Professionals often use a 2-part system that is simple to apply, does not stain surfaces and prevents mold from returning.

It is important that professionals handle residential mold problems. Experts can locate mold sources, safely contain growths and prevent them from spreading throughout homes. Technicians use powerful treatments that eliminate mold and destroy a variety of dangerous viruses and bacteria. Browse the site for more information.

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