Maintain Your Heating and Cooling, Find a Specialist in Wheaton

by | Feb 14, 2018 | Air Conditioning

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Your HVAC unit is an expensive piece of equipment that needs to be taken care of by the homeowner. Regular upkeep can add years of life to the unit and also help you avoid costly repairs. Hire a professional in Wheaton to do routine service, and you can take care of the minor things. Here is a checklist of items you should follow up on to keep your unit at its best.

Clean the Area

The unit return and supply equipment should be checked regularly for debris and dirt. When you are outside, inspect the unit for any leave or grime. Gently sweep away anything that could get lodged in the supply. The concrete pad that the unit is on should always be inspected by the homeowner.

Inspect for Leaks

You should also check the coils for any leaks or holes. The tubing should be in good shape and without any wear and tear. If you see anything concerning, contact a heating and cooling specialist. If you are living in Wheaton, find a company that can help you immediately.

Inspect the Blades

You should also look over the system when it is in use. When the fan blades are turning, listen for any foreign sounds and wear and tear. If any spots are worn or rusted, this could spell disaster in the near future.

Check Inside

The supply is often located inside the home. Check the equipment for any visible signs of damage or filth. Try to clean the area as much as you can if it is accessible. Grills and grates should also be dusted to ensure you are getting the best out of your system.

As always, consult with your heating and cooling specialist for any advice they can give you when it comes to maintenance. A good unit is meant to last you many years.

If you are looking for a heating and cooling specialist to help you maintain your HVAC unit, contact Air-Rite Heating & Cooling in the Wheaton area. Learn more at Website URL. Follow us on twitter.

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