If you work or live in an area ripe with diesel exhaust and its fumes, there’s merit for concern. The exhaust can affect you and your loved ones’ health. It’s necessary to take additional steps to limit your exposure to the toxins. If moving is out of the question, here are a few important tips to know, as this situation could be a matter of life or death.
Diesel Exhaust at Work
If you work in an occupation that uses diesel fuel, you could be taking a chance on your health. The fuel creates exhaust that can almost immediately have a negative impact on your body. Not only are you more susceptible to body irritations, but this exposure can extend to something much bigger.
Lung and bladder cancers are a common result of these fumes. If you feel your health is at risk, contact both a medical professional and a law firm right away. Also limit your exposure to the fumes as much as possible by staying away from the diesel engines and machinery. Wearing protective equipment that can cover your body and face can also help.
Diesel Exhaust at Home
If you live in an environment that has diesel exhaust constantly in the air, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Stay away from large trucks, buses, and other vehicles that use diesel fuel.
If you can, work from home to limit your outside exposure. If this isn’t a possibility, wearing a medical mask when you are outside will limit any soot or particles from entering your breathing passages. In these situations, a little precaution goes a long way.
Diesel exhaust fumes should never be taken lightly. Take the appropriate steps to safeguard yourself and your loved ones. Your life could depend on it.
Bladder cancer is just one of many illnesses you may encounter from diesel exhaust exposure. If you are at risk, contact the law firm Hughes Law Offices at http://www.dieselinjurylaw.com. Like us on our facebook page.