Dealing With Flood Damage in Albany

by | Dec 21, 2018 | Home Improvement

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Living in Albany is a bit like living in paradise, isn’t it? Think about it – every year thousands of people come from all over the world, just to vacation in a place some are lucky enough to call home! Of course, there are a few drawbacks to living in paradise – the storms, for example. And the flooding that goes along with storms. Luckily, there are so many great businesses that clean up flood damage in Albany.

Never had to deal with flood damage in Albany? Count your blessings! Either you haven’t been living here long, or you’ve been extra lucky. Either way, it’s a good idea to choose a company ahead of time, so you are prepared. Because in most cases, it isn’t a matter of “if it happens”. It’s a matter of when it happens. The best option is to look for a company that offers as many of these things as possible:

24/7 Immediate emergency response

Inspections using infrared cameras

Odor control and air cleansing

Decontamination and sanitation


Debris removal

Damaged carpet removal

Crawl space cleanup and drying

Sewage cleanup

By choosing a company that offers all of these things, you’ll end up paying less, by only having to hire one company. Some places dealing with flood damage in Albany only offer some of these services. Which in many cases, means that you have to hire another company to deal with the things the first wouldn’t. For example, some companies don’t deal with carpet that is ruined, beyond drying it out. In this case, you have to hire someone else to get rid of the old carpet. Or, you have to pay a carpet company more when they come in to put in new carpet.

You may also want to find a company that also offers carpet cleaning. That way, you can hire them to come in and clean your carpets once, to get a feel for how they operate. If you’re pleased with the way they handle a small job, you’ll be comfortable calling them in the event of a big job – a big job such as cleaning up flood damage in Albany.

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