Obtaining A Bailbond in Oklahoma City

by | May 24, 2018 | Lawyer

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When a loved one finds themselves in a predicament where they are arrested for a crime committed, getting out of lockup is sure to be a concern they have immediately afterward. Most people call relatives after an arrest in an attempt to obtain bail for their release. Getting money at a moment’s notice is a problem a relative usually need to deal with in this type of situation. Here are some ways to obtain money for bail for a loved one when necessary.

Try A Pawn Shop

Pawn shops are open around the clock, making them great businesses to visit if the arrest happened at an off-hour. The downside is that the person needing cash will need to have something of value to pawn. Most pawn shops take a variety of items from jewelry, to firearms, to antiques. If an item is pawned, the business will hand over cash for it on the spot. Taking the money directly to the jail for bail is then an option. The pawned item is returned to the owner if they pay back the money to the business within a designated time frame.

Sell An Item For Cheap

Many social media groups have the option in selling items in a marketplace type forum. These platforms allow users to post photographs and a description of an item they wish to sell. The downside to this option is there is no guarantee that someone will want to purchase the item at the time money is needed. The item needs to be at an extreme value to tempt a potential buyer into making a purchase. A meeting needs to be set up afterward to exchange the item for cash.

Get A Bail Bond

Getting a bailbond in Oklahoma City is one of the easiest ways to get cash within hours. Call a bail bond service at the first indication money is needed. The company will meet with someone to discuss the collateral they have available to obtain the cash needed. The money is then transferred to the jail right away. The money is returned, minus a fee, at the time the person arrested shows up for their court date.

When there is a need to find a service that will issue a Bailbond in Oklahoma City, finding a business with a positive reputation is necessary. Contact Ken Boyer Bail Bonds today to find out more.

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