A shiatsu massage, also known as shiatsu therapy, is an acupressure massage. It involves a massage therapist applying pressure to certain areas of the body to stimulate the flow of energy while promoting healing and relaxation. The basic idea is that energy flows through certain points in the body and adding pressure to them will affect your body. It has believed to provide relief from headache, aches, and pains. It may also help with anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues.
Shiatsu Types
There are numerous types of shiatsu massage available and your shiatsu massage in Washington may be different from one at another massage parlor. The most common types of shiatsu include eclectic shiatsu, five element shiatsu, Japanese shiatsu, macrobiotic shiatsu, shiatsu anma therapy, and zen shiatsu.
Choosing a Shiatsu Therapist
As with any hands-on massage technique, it is important to ensure your therapist has a massage license if that is required in your area. You will find that some massage therapists offer shiatsu along with other types of massage and others who focus solely on shiatsu massage. Either is able to provide a fantastic massage. Most of these practitioners will have attended a program for massage or shiatsu massage specifically.
Some shiatsu graduates choose to become certified through the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. Others move even farther up the ladder to receive the Diplomate of Asian Bodywork Therapy. This is provided by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Be sure to inquire about what experience and training your therapist has before booking an appointment.
What to Expect
Every session will be slightly different depending on the style of shiatsu being provided. Some styles involve intense pressure while others are light and gentle. There are some practitioners who also provide help with breathing techniques, diet, exercise, and supplements. Traditional therapists of shiatsu will often start with an assessment that involves a tongue and pulse analysis.
The massage is often performed with you laying on the floor atop a mat. However, in some cases, the therapist may prefer to have you seated in a chair or on a low massage table. The average price for a session seems to be somewhere between $75 and $150 an hour.
If you want to try out shiatsu massage in Washington, Fiji Spa can help. We’d love to talk to you and answer any of your questions. You can reach us at www.FijiSpaMD.com.