Starting A Dog Attack Case With A Personal Injury Lawyer In Olympia, WA

by | Oct 17, 2018 | Lawyer

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In Washington, a dog attack is caused most often by failures of the pet’s owner. A failure to follow city ordinances such as leash laws could lead to a dog attack. A failure to maintain control over the animal could allow an animal to roam around the neighborhood and attack humans. A personal injury lawyer in Olympia WA represents victims of dog attacks.

Did the Victim Commit a Crime?

Any dog attack victim that broke the law is not eligible for a legal claim. Trespassing, cruelty to animals, or a deliberate attempt to provoke the animal could rule out any compensation for the victim. The assessment of the case determines if the victim is at fault.

Were the Injuries Life-Threatening?

The attorney must review all medical records for the victim. If he or she sustained life-threatening injuries, the county could impose criminal charges. The liability of the dog owner defines whether they broke the law and should be held accountable through the criminal court.

Strict Liability Laws in Washington

Strict liability laws in Washington are associated with previous histories of dog attacks. If the dog was involved in previous attacks, the owner must take precautions and stop further attacks from occurring. Under the laws, the dog is classified as dangerous already, and any further attacks deem the owner responsible for the injuries immediately. The pet owner must provide tort-based compensation in addition to economic damages if the victim wins their case.

Requirements Issued by the Animal Control Officer

The animal control officer would issue a quarantine for the dog if the owner didn’t vaccinate the dog for rabies. The quarantine lasts up to twelve days, and the owner must surrender the pet to a licensed vet. The findings of the quarantine determine if the dog has rabies or aggressive temperament.

In Washington, strict liabilities are imposed on dog owners if their dog has a previous history of attacks. The liabilities require the owner to provide additional compensation due to a failure to protect others from a dangerous animal. Victims of dog attacks who need a Personal Injury Lawyer in Olympia WA are encouraged to check out website right now.

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