Many individuals are living in Illinois that are unaware that they might qualify for receiving financial and healthcare benefits through their state’s Social Security Office. The law is very specific on who can receive these life-saving benefits, and these complex laws vary widely from state to state. The laws can also change quickly depending on new federal and state laws, funding monies and other criteria. It is crucial to allow an experienced social security attorney that Rockford residents have long trusted to review the particulars of your specific case before wasting valuable time, effort and money on filing and meeting the requirements for a claim.
Our team is invested in ensuring that each of our clients gets the law assistance that they need and have the right to under Illinois laws. Many local residents have been surprised at how friendly our office staff are, and at the efficiency of our highly trained team of SSDI and SSI legal experts that work hard every work day to meet their many deserving client’s unique legal needs. Just having a compassionate ear to lean on during this time can be truly helpful. The chances of winning a claim only increases as your legal case is made stronger by our top social security attorney that Rockford residents have relied on for decades.
Our highly-skilled and passionate law team of Jeffery A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd. has an accumulated 100+ years of legal experience in this narrow law field. Another law firm might not have the required up-to-date legal knowledge on these ever-changing social security and disability laws to win their cases in the courtroom. Many of our cases get settled out of court, and our reputable social security attorney from Rockford will work tirelessly to ensure that your case has the best legal representation possible. Visit