If you are facing the possibility of bankruptcy, it can certainly be a frightening time. Many people have no idea what they should expect, how to go through the process, and what might happen to them when they try to file. While you might have the right to file for bankruptcy without using an attorney, it tends to be a bad idea. This is true even if you feel that you have a simple case. Saving a little bit in your attorney fees is not worth it if things were to go wrong. Instead, working with bankruptcy attorneys will be the best option, and here are some reasons to help back up that statement.
Planning the Bankruptcy
While you might think that bankruptcy is the only option available to you, when you are working with an attorney, they can let you know if there are other options that might be a better choice for you. If they believe that you should file for bankruptcy, they can help you set up the plan and let you know whether you should file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. To determine which is right for you, the attorney will conduct the means test. They can help you value your property, apply for exemptions, and determine what debts will be able to be discharged.
Going Through the Bankruptcy
If you do need to go through bankruptcy, the attorney will help complete all of the paperwork that needs to be filed regarding your debts and assets, as well as your income. They can help you through each step of the bankruptcy. One of the biggest benefits is the fact that the attorneys will be able to handle any creditors that try to contact you. During the process, the creditors are supposed to stop collecting. However, they will sometimes violate the automatic stay, so your attorney can take care of eliminating those harassing calls and letters.
Peace of Mind
Ultimately, one of the best reasons to have an attorney handle all of this for you is the peace of mind that it provides. You will know what happens at each step, and you can be sure they are handling your case properly.
Find a Great Bankruptcy Attorney
Those who are in Algonquin and who are getting ready to file bankruptcy should now be able to see the benefits of working with one of these attorneys. Consider getting in touch with Jackson Abdalla Law Group for the help you need.