Avoiding the Need for HVAC Repair in Punta Gorda FL by Catching Up on Delayed Maintenance

by | May 4, 2019 | Air Conditioning

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HVAC Repair in Punta Gorda FL may become necessary when homeowners neglect the maintenance of their heating and cooling systems for several years. In northern states, people often can get by with only scheduling central air maintenance every two or three years. In this region, it’s imperative to have the system maintained annually because so much demand is put on the equipment.

Problems With Dirty Equipment

After a few years without inspection, cleaning and adjustment to the exterior unit, the evaporator coils and the condenser typically have become very dirty. Evaporator coils are located both on the inside and the outside of the unit. Being covered in dust and organic debris makes the system work less efficiently, thus driving up electric bills and reducing the lifespan of the equipment. Being forced to work harder also can eventually cause breakdowns and the need for HVAC Repair in Punta Gorda FL.

Some Tasks Completed During Maintenance

Ideally, the heating system would be maintained in autumn and the cooling system in spring. Most homeowners prefer to have both projects completed during the same appointment, however. The two systems share much of the equipment inside the house, including the ductwork, air handler and air filter compartment. The hose for draining condensation from the air conditioner also is located inside. That may need to be cleaned because it can start plugging up with debris.

Outside, the technician cleans all the components and checks over the wiring. Clearing away leaves and other organic debris helps the unit run without excess heat building up. The property owners should do this occasionally as part of their own routine home maintenance.

Scheduling an Appointment

If a household has delayed the annual maintenance on their central air system for several years, it’s time to reach out to a company such as AA Temperature Services. No matter what the reason for delaying the work, there’s no reason to feel embarrassed. By getting this project taken care of, utility bills will be reduced, the system will run more smoothly and the risk of breakdowns is substantially decreased. Information on this particular company can be viewed at. You can pay a visit to Facebook page for more information.

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