Most brokers do not always know what dentists in transition need. But brokers at dentist-owned Western Practice Sales have been helping other dentists find the perfect deals for over 30 years in the San Francisco and California areas and beyond. Doctors from the smallest to the largest practices rely on us to know every nook and cranny of the landscape from local environs to Arizona, Nevada, and Utah with connections across the country.
Whether you are starting a new practice, looking to retire from a large or small firm, or just thinking about buying or selling a practice, think of us as your premier resource, ready to guide you at any point toward a smooth transition.
Personalized Service with Every Step
Because we are independently owned by dentists, we stay on the cutting-edge of both dentistry and brokering dental practices. At the same time, we understand and care about your unique needs and value your business. Expect nice, professional, honest help from your first contact.
Team of Consummate Professionals
Our team of brokers, representatives, and consultants has extensive qualifications and credentials with a complex understanding of the industry, helping you from the start locate the best listings and/or find the most appropriate buyers. With national connections to a network of the most qualified specialists, from accountants to attorneys, as well as many other practice brokerage firms and financial companies, we gather an unparalleled team working for you.
Take Advantage of Comprehensive Resources From Listings to Articles
Get immediate access to our comprehensive database of listings for sale and connect to available buyers. In the meantime, benefit from our library and expert articles by our in-house “Ask the Broker” series published monthly in many dental journals. Between the latest listings and news, you enjoy up-to-the-minute information for multiple states in the Southwest and whole Western Region.
Depend on Our Reputation
Clients across San Francisco, California, and the Southwest have consistently appreciated our services with glowing reviews over 30 years. We maintain a longtime relationship and membership with the nationally recognized American Dental Sales (ADS Transitions). Expect a smooth transition for your time lines and needs.
Take a look at our listings or learn how much your practice is worth!
Visit our Dental Practice Sales in San Francisco Bay Area and surrounding areas for a smooth transition!