Five Simple Elements that Can Help Your Mixing Facility Succeed

by | Sep 20, 2019 | Business

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If you are a decision-maker at a commercial compound-mixing operation, you understand that success in your industry requires more than knowing the difference between a media mill and a tote washer. In this article, we proudly offer ideas that can help you compete in today’s marketplace.

Personal Persistence

All businesses encounter adversity. Your response to it will significantly impact your potential for success. Respond to obstacles thoughtfully and persistently. While success is never guaranteed, those who wither from adversity never succeed.


You and your employees work with substantial volumes of potentially hazardous materials, and dangerous equipment inhabits your work environment. Train your team to practice alertness throughout the workweek. Consider variables that affect attention spans. Ban smartphones from production areas. Endorse healthy life choices, like quality sleep and good nutrition.

Empathy for Employees

If you own your facility, become comfortable with the fact that nobody can possibly care about your business as much as you. Your expectations of your employees should not equal those you place on yourself. Give them incentives to perform well during work hours and encourage them to pursue life-enriching endeavors when not at work.


For success, any operation in your industry must highly value cleanliness. Contaminants can distort your products’ integrity and negatively impact your resources and future-business pipeline. Stay educated about your industry’s cleanup-related developments. Consider investing in cutting-edge cleaning materials, an automated tote washer, and anything new your outfit might require.

Modern Business-Development Resources

Relationships drive business-to-business sales. Today’s tools improve how you initiate those relationships. If your company is not on social media, address that void today. Launch pages on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Regularly post valuable insights on these platforms. Prospects will contact you as a result, but you must first practice persistence and patience. Good luck with your decision-making role! Find CB Mills in Chicago, Illinois online.

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