All throughout the great state of California, authorities require drivers to be covered by an active auto insurance policy. People often get confused about auto insurance, even though it’s so widely purchased by consumers. Here’s some help for better understanding auto insurance in Monterey.
The General Levels of Auto Insurance Coverage
Liability insurance covers California state minimums for any amounts owed in the form of liabilities to other parties drivers are found responsible for. Collision insurance covers these liabilities and damage to drivers’ own vehicles stemming from collisions. Comprehensive insurance covers a broad range of things, including damage from natural disasters or theft. Each of these costs more than the previous level of coverage.
When Is Comprehensive Coverage a Good Idea?
While everyone would like to be financially covered in the event of an accident that incapacitates their daily drivers, paying for comprehensive coverage just isn’t possible for all Californians. As such, the general rule of thumb is that comprehensive coverage should only be maintained by people who can readily afford to do so.
Understanding Deductibles
In order to cover liabilities stemming from accidents, policyholders must file claims with their insurers and pay their policies’ current deductible. This is a one-time payment that keeps drivers honest when filing claims; in other words, it makes sure they won’t just file for any little problem they incur. Drivers who just want to keep the Golden State happy or are on a tight budget are generally better off with keeping their deductibles as low as possible to save money.
This Insurer Wants to Help
Coast Auto Insurance, a leader in the local industry of auto insurance in Monterey, California, works with clients to help them understand car insurance inside and out – find them online at visit us website.