3 Best Practices for Promotional and Medical Evaluations in Connecticut

by | Apr 9, 2020 | Business

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Within the promotional review evaluation process lies a critical need to strike a balance. You must contend with regulatory constraint requirements while achieving strategic business goals.

In doing so, friction can develop between those charged with marketing certain products and those representing regulatory, legal, and medical issues. Here are three best practices to keep everyone focused on the core goals.

1. Balance Core Business Objectives with Regulatory and Legal Requirements

It is important that every member of the team collaborate and support ways to achieve the ultimate collective goals. If this happens, you will be able to effectively market a product and remain compliant with applicable laws.

2. Review Messaging on Social Media Platforms

Posts on the company or hosted sites present a new set of complex challenges. As a result, reviewing all messaging on social media platforms and websites that your company owns, or controls is the way to win the battle.

3. Allow Team Members to Share Opinions Outside Their Area of Expertise

Conducting a promotional review evaluation allows everyone to bring their respective expertise to the table helps to ensure products achieve stated goals. This also includes allowing team members to lend their voices to other areas.

Once you set clear expectations with defined roles, it is a clever idea to have enough flexibility for members to weigh in with useful input on other matters.

Get Superior Services and Guidance

Framework Solutions Inc. provides strategic services that support your promotional and medical content review needs. Visit their website at web to schedule time to discuss how they can help your company’s success.

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