Three Great Landscaping Ideas for Homeowners in Long Island

by | Apr 13, 2020 | Landscaping

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If you’re looking into landscapers in Long Island, NY, you’re probably wondering what type of landscaping you should be looking into. Landscaping is a critical part of your home, bringing beauty, form, and function to your outdoor space. There are many different types of landscaping styles available. One homeowner could go for a lush, wild outdoor space, while his neighbor could go for something a lot more traditional and sedate. When looking into landscaping for your home, keep the following tips in mind.

Choose Young Plants

You’ll most likely choose a lot of mature plants because they’re more fully grown and look beautiful, but intersperse those with lots of young plants and shrubs as well. Not only are younger varieties less expensive, but many of them grow pretty quickly. You’ll be able to end up saving money in the long run.

Use Perennials

Use perennials mixed with your annual flowers. The great thing about perennials is that they look amazing for their blooming season, and they come back every year. This will help cut down on the number of plants you have to buy each year.

Use Mulch From the Community

Mulch is an extremely important part of your landscaping. Not only does it make all of your plants look beautiful, but it also provides them with plenty of moisture and nutrients. Many communities offer free mulch to residents, so find out from your community if they have a similar program.

Reach out to AC Landscaping to find out more about landscapers in Long Island, NY.

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