Joint health is an important aspect of your pet’s overall well-being. Problems with animals’ joints often manifest themselves through limited movement and overall decreased mobility. But, there is something you can do. The right veterinary surgeon can help to discover the root of your pet’s problems, suggest appropriate treatment, and discuss whether your dog or cat could benefit from surgery.
It’s understandable that surgery can be an intimidating word. But as animal owners, you want what’s best for your pets. The right team will provide excellent care, with attention paid to minimizing your dog or cat’s pain and discomfort. Vets specializing in knee, back, and cruciate surgery have devoted their careers to repairing damaged joints and even furnishing full joint replacements. It is important to select a veterinary team that has the specialized knowledge that your pet requires.
Before making a decision, extensive diagnostic testing should be provided to ensure that your pet will get the treatment that he or she needs. You should expect an opportunity to consult one-on-one with a skilled professional to pose any questions or concerns you may be having and evaluate your dog or cat’s options with a knowledgeable professional before deciding on the best course of action. In circumstances where Orthopedic Pet Surgeries in Lorton VA are deemed the best option, you’ll want to be confident that your pet will be in good hands.
Post-surgical pain management and physical therapy are two important aspects of this discussion. Often, aging pets experienced a painful decrease in mobility and lost range of motion that can have a drastic and heartbreaking effect on their quality of life. For example, hind leg lameness, often due to CCL damage, is an all-too-common and all-too-tragic condition. However, there is treatment available for this and other conditions that can decrease pain and slow the development of debilitating arthritis in many animals.
There is no way to prevent every possible injury your pet could incur, but there are ways to minimize long-term damage and improve your dog or cat’s quality of life. Contact Business Name for a consultation or to discuss the benefits and risks of Orthopedic Pet Surgeries. You can follow them on Twitter.