You likely understand how damaging a termite infestation can be to your home. Because an infestation typically includes millions of insects, these small pests can almost irreparably harm your home before you even realize they’re present. Eastern Subterranean termites are the most common termites found in the Phoenix, AZ. Understanding how termites can damage your home will help you recognize their presence as well as the need for regular Termite Inspection in Phoenix, AZ.
Eastern Subterranean termites make their home in the eastern two-thirds of the US. This species of termite begins its life underground but works its way into the wood in your home over a period of time, sometimes taking three to five years to create habitat and reproduce sufficiently that you see signs of an infestation. These termites are extremely efficient in eating the cellulose that makes up the interiors of wood-based products. They particularly like to create colonies in your home’s foundation, but are also known to live in furniture and paper products. Less common Formosan termites have been seen in northern areas of the US. Like their subterranean cousins, Formosan termites move from underground habitats to eat the wood and other cellulose-based materials in your house.
The signs of a termite infestation can be subtle if you don’t understand what you’re seeing. You’ll most likely see the termites themselves in the spring and summer when they become more active, but they leave evidence behind all year long. Wood that has been hollowed out or that has dust and fine debris in areas that should be solid are good signs that termites have invaded. Even more obvious evidence is the presence of swarming termites. During spring months some termites leave to establish new colonies. Visible swarms or the presence of termite carcasses at windows and doors mean it’s time to treat your home.
Mike’s Swat Team can inspect your home and property regularly to identify infestations and remove the insects. Professionals typically use bait or a spray to repel the termites. The professionals can assess your situation to determine which areas in and around your home should be treated. A preventive Termite Inspection in Phoenix, AZ should be done done at least on an annual basis. You then can feel assured that your home won’t suffer an infestation.