If your vehicle is damaged, the most cost-effective way to fix hail damage car in Denver, CO, is to look for a company that has specific experience with this type of auto body work. There are also steps you can take to prevent hail damage in the future. While the most obvious method is to park in a garage or under a carport. Even if you don’t have access to a garage or carport, there are still things you can do to protect your vehicle.
Use Furniture Blankets
You can cover your car with a cover that’s specifically designed for the make and model of your vehicle. Alternatively, furniture blankets can also be used. Since these types of blankets are thicker and designed to provide protection, they may be a more effective alternative.
Break Down Cardboard Boxes
If you don’t have access to a car cover or furniture blankets, cardboard boxes will work in a pinch. Simply break the boxes down to lay them flatly on your car or truck. You can tape them together to make an overlap that will protect the sides of your vehicle.
Protect Glass With Potting Soil
Broken and cracked windows are a significant concern when it becomes necessary to fix hail damage on a car in Denver, CO. You can protect the glass on your vehicle by covering it with bags of potting soil. You can buy bags of soil for just a few dollars each and they provide a thick buffer against hail. Lay them on your sunroof, windshield, and back windows for added protection.
If your vehicle does suffer hail damage this season, contact Business Name today.