Legal practice entails a regulatory environment that includes economic, scientific, and engineering challenges in the energy business. Energy attorneys, for example, may work with businesses and public utilities to manage energy taxation, such as “extraction taxes,” the acquisition of licenses and full ownership rights for energy-rich property, and the adjudication of these energy rights.
Consumers are unlikely to seek legal advice from energy attorneys as they are experienced in energy law in Pensacola, FL.
What Do Energy Lawyers Do?
Attorneys who practice energy law deal with power corporations, municipal utilities, and various other energy providers. Much of their job includes ensuring that energy corporations and other parties involved abide by all applicable rules and regulations. Several safety and environmental standards are in place since energy extraction may be highly risky and possibly detrimental to the environment.
Energy attorneys may also assist energy firms in obtaining finance and developing new projects. Energy exploration and extraction need large sums of money and frequently cross international borders. Attorneys specializing in energy law in Pensacola, FL also represent businesses in court or arbitration.
Terms Clients Should Be Familiar With
As a client seeking the help of an energy lawyer from practices such as Beggs & Lane, there are certain terms that you should be familiar with, as well as your attorney. While it’s okay for you as a client to have a vague understanding of these common terms, it is not okay for your lawyer to be unfamiliar with them. The most common terms in energy law include BTU, fracking, distribution, hydropower re-license, and environmental impact statement.