It seems like you keep taking your vehicle back to the dealer, again and again, to have the same problem repaired. You wonder if they will ever fix it and if you could be dealing with a lemon. This is a frustrating situation. It is important to know that there are laws in place that protect individuals who have bought a defective vehicle.
It is wise to talk with a Missouri Lemon Law attorney if you feel that your car has had to be repaired an unreasonable number of times and if you still feel like you can’t trust it. The attorney understands federal and state laws that apply to defective vehicles and consumer goods.
When you visit with a Missouri Lemon Law attorney for the first time, they are going to want to see a timeline. This timeline will include when you bought the vehicle and all the times it was repaired by the dealership. You should know the duration of each repair as well.
Try to collect as many records as possible to give to the attorney. This would include correspondence between you and the dealership. You should gather all work orders and receipts related to having the vehicle repaired. Once the attorney examines this information, they will tell you if your vehicle meets the requirements to be a lemon and what steps you can take to protect yourself.
Learn about the legal representation offered through Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® and how they help victims of defective consumer products and vehicles by visiting their website.