Mental health treatment in Burnsville focusing on person-centered therapy is an effective strategy for many individuals. Counselors use the method of nonjudgmental listening to express respect and empathy for the client. They reflect on the client’s thoughts and feelings, allowing the person to gain a better understanding.
Examples of Uses
One use for this mental health treatment in Burnsville is for individuals with self-destructive behaviors not caused by mental illness. Men and women who have issues with substance use, for instance, benefit from the therapy. People who are repeatedly unsuccessful in romance might learn how they undermine these relationships. They could be doing this because of low self-esteem.
Many individuals dislike the idea that mental health problems like generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder have a psychological basis. They may believe there is nothing in their life to trigger these episodes. It may seem less embarrassing to believe the problem is only physical and not psychological.
However, client-centered therapy has proved effective for many men and women who don’t want to rely on sedative medication. They learn to recognize triggers so they can anticipate episodes. When feeling excessively anxious or at the onset of a panic attack, it helps to focus on relaxation techniques and the knowledge that this isn’t a life-threatening event.
Results to Expect
Participants learn more effective personal problem-solving strategies. Instead of shifting that responsibility to other people or circumstances, they take responsibility for their life situations. They see opportunities to improve lives through their own efforts and motivation. An organization providing this type of counseling offers details at Options Family & Behavior Services, Inc.