When most people think about their utilities, they probably don’t picture anything beyond the fact that they have to send off a check every month in order to continue receiving water, electricity, and natural gas in return. They most likely never think about the sometimes massive facilities filled with hard working people that make their way of life possible.
You do think about those things however, and as a Utility Company manager, you also have to think about the security of your facilities. One might think that a facility like yours may not ever be in danger from an outside intruder but the reality is that this is a dangerous world and you never quite know what to expect from people.
For that reason, it is probably a very good thing that you are concerned not only with the security of your Utility Company facilities, but also for the safety and well being of your employees as well as protecting the rights of your customers to continue in their way of life without unexpected or extended service outages. Starting the dialogue with a security firm is probably going to be your best, most logical next step.
Keep in mind, that security is a big deal and can sometimes require a lot of work and adjustment in order to properly achieve. The security firm you choose to consult with will most likely want to perform an assessment of any existing security measures that you currently have in place. They may then determine that your existing measures can simply be augmented, or they may suggest that you undergo a complete security overhaul.
Remember, these are the professionals and you should almost certainly work with their ideas and suggestions in order to provide the safest and most secure facilities that you possibly can. A good security firm will also be able to help you, not only in determining the best course of action, but also in designing, building, and integrating and implementing the best security solutions for your specific situation.
Facility security is not something to be taken lightly in today’s world. You owe it to yourself, your staff, and your customers to provide the best security solutions available.