Have you ever heard of kratom? Kratom is a medicinal herb that is grown and cultivated in areas of Southeast Asia. Kratom is the leaf from the tree known as Mitragyna speciosa and has a variety of medicinal properties. Some people will use kratom as a stimulant, similar to coffee or other caffeinated drinks. Others will use kratom as a pain reliever similar to opiates. Kratom is also commonly used to treat stomach issues. Kratom can be taken in a variety of ways and one of the most popular ways is to make kratom tea.
What is Kratom Tea?
Kratom tea is really no different than any other tea that one might drink. The kratom leaves are brewed in water for anywhere from 15 – 25 minutes to the desired strength. Many people will drink this kind of tea straight, but because kratom can have a bitter taste, other people will put in sugar, honey or even mix their tea with fruit juice and extracts for a more palatable taste. You can drink tea made from kratom either hot or cold and it will last for a few days, so you can even store it in the refrigerator.
Where to Buy Kratom Leaves?
There are a number of places on the internet where you can buy kratom leaves. You can also buy kratom seedlings or seeds and grow your own tree. Traditionally the leaves were picked from the tree and chewed and in many places in Southeast Asia, they still are. If you buy kratom leaves from the internet, however, they will be dried, perfect for tea.
There are a number of sites out there that sell kratom leaves but not all of them will be good for you to use. Some of them don’t have the best reputation nor are they smart sites to buy from. Fortunately there are number out there that are fine to use and offer low prices. Look for recommendations from others online or even on the sites themselves. You can also, of course, talk to people you may know who have used kratom in the past. Find out where they buy their leaves and if they would recommend that site to others. By making sure you are buying from a trusted source, you can be sure that things will go off without a hitch.
Get leaves to makekratom tea by shopping online. has a wonderful selection.