The Ultimate Guide On How To Network With People You Do Not Know

by | Jul 5, 2022 | Marketing and Advertising

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Many of us have been in social situations at conferences and events where we just do not really know what to do. Not to worry, we are here to give you some tips. Follow along and see how to network with people

Say Hello To Someone

Every conversation starts with a greeting. Go to someone and say hello and then ask them about what they do. 

Talk With Confidence

People are naturally drawn to people that seem confident. Try your best to act confident and friendly towards others.

Focus On Common Ground

Subjects you have in common whether business or personal, can bring people together. Try to focus the conversation on the interests or experiences you share. 

Give Them Your Business Card 

Make sure you wait until the end of the conversation and then offer them your business card so you can keep in touch and hopefully they give you one too.

Work The Room

Do not just stay with one person. Talk for a while and then move on to someone else so you can speak with as many people as possible and get the most business cards within the allotted time period.

Follow UpThe last key on how to network with people involves following up with the emails or numbers that you received. Remind them of who you are and who you represent and without being too insistent make sure that you reach out to them promptly and at least 2-3 times.

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