How Often Do You Need Central Air Conditioning Repair When You Get A New Unit Installed?

by | Feb 25, 2014 | Plumbing

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The term global warming may sound like a bit of joke during this winter season that has areas of the country reporting record breaking climates. In some areas where snow is usually plentiful they have had reports of as much as six to eight feet dropping in a 24 hour period which is very unusual and there is still another month left of the winter season. All of that is to say, with this cold weather burst you can expect the same outrageous conditions during the summer and you should make sure that your Central Air Conditioning Repair is in good working order.

There are still parts of the country that can weather the milder climates and stay with the window units for cooling the air in a home, but those areas have seen an increase for conversions to a central air unit. A central air conditioning system runs on basically two separate coils and with the proper duct work you can cool or heat your home to keep comfortable all year long.

To install a brand new HVAC, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning, unit in your home from a pre-existing window cooling home you will be faced with a lot of up front charges. Such as duct work throughout the home can be expensive but check with local vendors such as to find out if you are eligible for state or federal rebates. Energy saving units can save new clients anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 on installation and equipment prices.

Once installed however, most manufacturers or local dealers will offer programs for making sure you are on an affordable plan for Central Air Conditioning Repair. Because the system runs on two separate coils, filters and the use of Freon, there are quarterly maintenance issues that should be addressed. Cleaning of these coils is required as well as changing both the filters from the inside and where the condenser unit can be found outside the home.

Yes, the weather has been extreme for the winter months which is a good indication to expect the same in the summer months. During the transition months when the weather is not experiencing extreme conditions, ask for estimates and cost savings that you may expect if you switched to a central air package.

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