Acupuncture For Pain: The Benefits Available To Those In Miami, FL

by | Nov 28, 2022 | Health

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Whenever you have aches and pains, you probably reach for over-the-counter or prescription medications. Most people don’t head to their doctor whenever they have a problem, but for pain in Miami, FL, you may want to consider alternatives than traditional medicine. Acupuncture clinic in Miami, FL can provide relief for your aches and pains and can be used in conjunction with convention medications.

What Is It?

Acupuncture has been around for many years and originated in China. However, the past 20 years have seen a growth in popularity in the US. It involves using small needles or electrical stimulation and heat at your pressure points to encourage your body to heal faster and improve its function. These points are found along your channel of energy, also called a meridian, which runs through regular patterns throughout the body.

How Does It Work?

The Chinese believe that it helps your energies flow freely throughout the body, allowing it to heal itself as necessary. When you have an obstruction in energy movement, the needles used can unblock those obstacles and allow the regular flow again, which can treat imbalances anywhere within the body.

How It Helps

Science has explained this procedure as a way to stimulate different parts of the nervous system to help release chemicals to the spinal cord, muscles, and brain, which changes the phenomenon of pains and triggers hormone release that regulated the body.

It can be used for a broad range of pain in Miami, FL, including digestive problems like spastic colon, hyperacidity, gastritis, diarrhea, and constipation.

It can also be used to treat respiratory disorders, such as bronchitis, sore throats, sinusitis, asthma, and chest infections. Neurological/muscular disorders can also be helped, including facial tics, headaches, neck pain, frozen shoulder, tendonitis, sciatica, low back pain, and osteoarthritis.

Visit Helia House Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine to know more.

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