A Look Inside an Aerospace Machine Shop

by | Nov 29, 2022 | Machine

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If you’ve ever been curious about what goes on in an aerospace machine shop, then you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we’ll be taking a closer look at the day-to-day operations of aerospace machine shops and what happens inside them.

From cutting and forming metal components to creating parts for aircraft engines, let’s explore what exactly takes place in an aerospace machine shop!

Cutting and Forming Metal Components

The primary function of an aerospace machine shop is to cut and form metal components that are used to construct aircraft engines and other aviation parts.

This process starts with raw materials such as aluminum or steel, which are then shaped into components using various machine tools. Depending on the size of the part being produced, these tools can produce precise cuts and shapes that will be used in the assembly process.

Creating Aircraft Engine Parts

Once the individual parts have been cut and formed, they will then be assembled into larger components such as turbine blades or pistons for aircraft engines. The assembly process requires highly precise measurements that can only be achieved by experienced machinists using specialized measuring equipment such as calipers or micrometers.

After all the parts have been properly fitted together, they will then be tested to ensure they meet strict quality standards before being sent off for installation onto an aircraft engine.

Final Quality Checks

Finally, all finished parts must go through one last round of quality checks before leaving theaerospace machine shop. This includes visual inspections to check for any signs of damage or wear as well as testing each part under simulated conditions to make sure it meets the required specifications.

If any issues are discovered during this final inspection process, they will need to be addressed before the part can be approved for use on an aircraft engine.

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