It is always a good idea to have the ability to generator your own power at your place of business because a power outage could be disastrous. Even if you do not rely on your own generators on a full-time basis, having the right emergency power generation in place could save you from some serious problems. Before investing in your own power source, however, you should take the time to research each power generation company to ensure that you select the best one to meet your needs.
First Hand Recommendations
Always go with a company that will visit your site and provide you with recommendations based on your property. This service should include engineers visiting the site to figure out if the project is viable. They will then do a site survey, so that they can determine exactly what you need from them. From there, the company should design a plan for you, so that everything runs smoothly once the install begins.
Project Management
Another aspect to consider is who will install the generators for you. In some cases, the power generation company will outsource the job to a construction company. This is less than ideal, however, especially if the construction company does not have experience with this type of work. Since many generators are specialized pieces of equipment, you will want to have this project overseen by at least one expert at all times. You should look for a company that brings in an engineer to handle the project management, along with certified contractors to handle the actual installation.
Maintenance and Support
Finally, the company that you choose should provide you with support after the installation has been completed. Ideally, you will want to have this support available 24 hours per day and seven days per week, since you never know when something could go wrong. Having this support available can keep your system running at an optimal level. Some companies will even install monitoring technology in your generator, so that they know when something is about to go wrong and can repair it preemptively to minimize the inconvenience to you.
With over 60 years of experience, ENER-G Rudox is an industry leader in the power systems industry.