Choosing senior care in Washington DC is not easy to do. Many people swear that they will never live in any type of retirement community, whether it is an active one or not. However, as people start getting older, retirement communities are becoming more and more of an option. They are the best way to get out from under the burden of the demands of homeownership, and back into the fun things in life. In a retirement community it is possible to concentrate more on hobbies and the good things in life than on things that you had to worry about when you were busy raising a family of your own.
If you are looking for senior care services like Capital City Nurses, whether for yourself or a loved one, then there are a few things that you will want to keep in mind during your search.
They are Not Cheap
While they are well-worth the cost, retirement communities are nowhere near cheap. Most of the retirement communities require entry fees, which start with five figures and can get up to as much as $500,000 or more, according to the location of the home you decide on, and the size of the home you want. Monthly fees usually run around $2,000, and that covers your residence, medical care, and food. The monthly fees can run higher, according to the level of care required and the community you choose to live in. Most of these places will run a financial test to make sure that you can afford the upfront amount and the amount of the fees before you do anything else.
Apply while You are in Good Health
Many retirement communities require a complete health screen before they will allow you to become a resident. In many cases they do not accept people who are already frail, have cancer, dementia, and other diseases. In other words, don’t wait until you are in bad health to apply to a retirement community, because you might not get accepted. Apply as early as possible, and you will be set for the rest of your days.