Knee Replacement in Corsicana through Orthopedic Surgery

by | Apr 3, 2024 | Pain Management

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If it seems like you are hearing more about hip and knee replacements today than ever before, you aren’t imagining things. In the United States, there are about 719,000 total knee and 332,000 total hip replacements completed per year, and that number has steadily been on the rise. This means the demand for orthopedic surgery is almost as great as for cardiovascular procedures and cesarean sections in the country.

The reason most research points to this increase in orthopedic surgery is the more active lifestyles enjoyed by people as they age today, compared to generations past. With advanced technology, the dramatic improvement in today’s replacement joints and the benefits of new procedures, this is a very important surgical option for a large number of adults and seniors.


The most common reason adults may need a hip or a knee replacement surgery in Greenfield WI is because of the degenerative condition of arthritis. As the joint becomes less mobile and range of motion is restricted, is it not possible to maintain an active lifestyle and live without pain.

With a replacement hip or knee, the problematic joint is completely replaced, eliminating the mobility restrictions as well as further degeneration and loss of movement. For most adults, replacing a hip or a knee through orthopedic surgery will allow them to go on the rest of their life without the pain associated with arthritis.


Talking to the doctor who will be performing your orthopedic surgery is important to determine if you are a good candidate. You will also want to discuss issues such as recovery time, rehabilitation needs and the availability of help and support.

Everyone will have slightly different recovery concerns, and your doctor can assist you in providing a realist picture of the length of your recovery and how much assistance you will need.

After the Surgery

With both hip and knee orthopedic surgery, you will be up and moving around the day of or the day after your procedure, but this will be carefully monitored by your physical therapist. You will need to have assistance around the house for a few weeks or longer, and in some cases you may choose an in-patient rehab facility for the first few weeks of your recovery. This last option is more common with elderly patients or people who may have other concurrent health issues.

Physical therapy will usually last for two months or more after the procedure. You will be limited to how much you exercise, and you should be able to drive, depending on your recovery after the orthopedic surgery procedure.

When considering orthopedic surgery for a hip or knee replacement, or other health issues, visit the doctors at QC Kinetix (Mequon)or view Testimonials.

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