If you have unmanageable debt and are considering filing for bankruptcy, you may be feeling overwhelmed by all you need to do. Here’s a simple breakdown of the steps you need to take before finding bankruptcy services in Irvine, CA.
Stop Using Credit Cards and Start Saving Money
The first thing you want to do is avoid taking on any more debt. Compile a list of your assets (cars, homes, bank accounts, etc.). Your second step will be to start putting some money aside. You’ll need $1,500 to $4,000 to cover court fees, filing costs, and a bankruptcy attorney.
Choose Bankruptcy Type
There are two main chapters of bankruptcy you’ll likely be filing.
- Chapter 7- Wipes out most debts but puts more of your assets at risk.
- Chapter 13- You can keep most of your property, but you’ll be put on a debt repayment plan.
Attend a Mandatory Counseling Session
You must complete a credit counseling session from an approved counselor within 180 days before you file. It’s best to complete this step early.
Find a Bankruptcy Lawyer and Prepare Your Documents
Bankruptcy services in Irvine, CA, can greatly help you. A bankruptcy lawyer can guide you through the rest of the process and work with the courts to help your situation. You’ll want your lawyer to have a good view of your financial situation, so be sure to compile your financial documents, such as tax returns, pay stubs, and bank statements.
If you’re looking for bankruptcy services in Irvine, CA, call Guardian Litigation Group today! They’ll help you manage your bankruptcy and begin your journey to a better financial future!