A Bankruptcy Lawyer in Prince George’s County, MD Can Restore Your Financial Well-Being

by | May 2, 2014 | Lawyers

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Bankruptcy is a complex legal process demanding an experienced attorney handling such cases. Bankruptcy can resolve all of the financial problems keeping you awake at night and prevent creditors from hounding you during the day. Once your attorney files your bankruptcy claim, the creditors cannot contact you. This alone is peace of mind you cannot find any other way. It is also the beginning of enjoying life again.

An experienced Bankruptcy Lawyer in Prince George’s County, MD can stop garnishments and repossessions of hard assets such as your car and furniture. Under Chapter 13 bankruptcy, your home cannot be foreclosed if you get a bankruptcy lawyer involved quickly.

The bankruptcy lawyer is to the debtor what a collision shop is to a badly damaged vehicle. An experienced lawyer who deals exclusively with bankruptcy cases has acquired the professional experience to protect you and your assets from creditors. The importance of experience cannot be over-emphasized. You would not want to be one of the learning tools for a new lawyer. Study the lawyers website and learn about their education, experience and notable achievements in bankruptcy law.

You might ask how many cases has the lawyer handled? Why not ask? A successful lawyer will be proud to tell you about their achievements. The more cases the lawyer has handled, the more they have learned about processing bankruptcy in court. It is easy for an unrepresented individual to overlook filing an important document or to allow a creditor to make a demand on the court, which if granted, would cause a terrible hardship on them.

One of the famous and legendary demands a creditor’s attorney made in the past was a demand for an evidentiary hearing. This caused the petitioner to agree with all of the creditor’s demands because they could not afford the thousands of dollars this hearing would have cost. The lawyer for the petitioner was fairly new at the practice of bankruptcy, and he wasn’t listening carefully when the request was made of the judge who ruled in favor of the creditor.

An experienced Bankruptcy Lawyer in Prince George’s County, MD would not let this costly mistake happen, or any other costly mistake. Their job is to restore your financial life to a state of success and to provide you with a new start in life.

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