Automobile accidents every day, and frequently throughout any given day. It isn’t always clear who was at fault in the accident. Whichever person feels that he or she was injured by the other party will be wanting to file a personal injury lawsuit, as well as an insurance claim. If the injured party intends to follow through on filing the lawsuit, he or she had better be aware of what all is involved. A car accident lawyer in Stuart FL helps clients who are injured in auto accidents. Here are some things clients should know.
The injured party should realize that the statute of limitations in Florida for personal injuries, such as car accidents, is two years from the date of the accident. For property damage lawsuits, the injured party has five years from the date of the accident. If the claimant fails to get the lawsuits filed in the proper time, any opportunity to have his or her case heard is gone. The claimant also will not be able to collect damages from the lawsuit. This is why it is important to hire an attorney to help the client handle the lawsuit efficiently and on time.
The injured party should also be aware that Florida is one of those few states that applies the contributory negligence rule. This harsh rule states that if the injured party is found to be any part responsible for the accident, he or she cannot collect any damages. This is true even if the injured party was only five percent at fault. This seems rather cold when the majority of the fault is someone else. This is another reason to have a good attorney.
Jeff Vastola – Attorney are attorneys in the Stuart FL area who have been providing legal solutions to clients for over years. In addition to personal injury cases, such as the car accidents, the attorneys also practice law in criminal defense, domestic relations, immigration law, real estate, estate planning, bankruptcy and business law. If any individuals are in need of a Car Accident Lawyer in Stuart FL, the attorneys are available. Find more information by visiting Web.