A Children Injury Lawyer in Norwich, CT Helps Parents Understand How Much Time They Have to File

by | Jan 13, 2017 | Articles

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Any time a person suffers a personal injury, there is bound to be traumatic stress behind it. The situation is worse if the personal injury happens to a child. Children are more easily traumatized than adults and may require much more medical treatment and perhaps even psychiatric therapy. Moreover, depending on the age of the child, they may not be in a position to explain how they really feel or what’s going on. A lawyer may be needed to help get the child the necessary damages for any injuries sustained.

There is a children injury lawyer in Norwich, CT who helps parents with children who suffer personal injuries. The first thing the parent needs to be aware of is the statute of limitations for personal injuries in Connecticut. In Connecticut, people have two years from the date of the injury (or the date the injury was reasonably discovered) to file a lawsuit in a civil court. If the lawsuit is not filed in that period, the case will probably not be heard. Also, if the personal injury involved a government entity, they have only six months to notify the city or county government of the intent to sue.

There are cases where the personal injury may involve a government entity at the state level. The time to notify the state claims department of the intent to sue is one year. Another thing to look at is that in Connecticut, the comparative fault rule is employed. The insurance companies may try to prove the child was partly at fault for the accident. Since this is a child, it can be a tricky situation.

A lawyer may need to come in and offer legal remedies for the victims. The law firm of Stephen M. Reck has been meeting the personal injury needs of clients in the North Stonington, Connecticut area for over 10 years. Among personal injury cases the law firm handles are medical malpractice, wrongful death, and children’s personal injuries. If parents are looking for a children injury lawyer in Norwich, CT or the surrounding areas, this law firm is available.

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