Until recently, if you wanted vibrant custom wall art that had full color from end to end and did not require a frame, your best bet was to get a HD print on acrylic. However, with the advent of custom metal print wall art, things have changed.
Custom metal print wall art is typically less expensive than its acrylic counterpart. In some places, you will be charged three times more for an acrylic print than you will be charged for a metal print.
Metal prints are lighter than acrylic. A 12 by 18 HD metal print is only going to weigh 1.6 pounds. You can get the same size acrylic print, but it will weigh about 4.37 pounds. This almost three pound difference may not seem like a big deal until you think about transporting a larger print or hanging it on a wall.
When you compare acrylic prints side-by-side with HD metal prints, acrylic prints can look washed out. This is because you are actually looking through acrylic to see the paper print underneath. With an HD metal print, there is nothing between your eyes and the image. Clearly, metal offers superior quality.
If you need to transport art frequently from one place to another, acrylic is not your best friend. It is heavy and is easy to scratch. Conversely, metal is light. Because of the way the image is transplanted, it is difficult to scratch. All of these factors make choosing metal prints over acrylic the best idea for you.