A Furniture Maintenance Service in Long Island, NY Uses Soaps and Polishes the Correct Way

by | Dec 28, 2015 | Home Improvement

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Furniture can be cleaned and it can be protected. All tasks related to a Furniture Maintenance Service in Long Island NY, revolve around cleaning the furniture or protecting it from general wear (usually related to the sun). Interiors by J.C. Landa has a number of products and techniques they use to manage the most easily worn style of furniture: wood. Wood faces threats from the sun, overuse, and water. The threats are seemingly endless when it comes to wood. But, its prettiness and visual appeal are hard to ignore.

Using Soap For Cleaning

Soap is great for cleaning the wood, but it has to be done right. Some chemicals are entirely too strong for cleaning wood. If the soap is applied too thickly, it could actually permanently stain the wood. The soap should never sit and rest on the wood. Light brush strokes with a thin non-scratch rag will be the best approach. The use of water could also cause lifts and marks on the wood, just like that famous little circle that so often appears under a glass of water.

Polish and Wax

There are two main products that are used to protect the wood finish of furniture. The main use of these chemicals is not to actually clean the surface of the wood. A mild quantity of dish soap is perfectly fine for cleaning surface marks and dirt. The chemicals are in two categories. They can either be a polish or a wax. A wax acts as a stain restorative. It picks up where the stain left off by acting as an extra layer of protection. Some may choose to re-stain the wood. Block oil and other types will actually help restore that glossy look that a stain provides.

As amazing as wood furniture tends to be as a home decor, it is not always the easiest to clean. One oversight or skipped glass of water could ruin the wood forever. It should not be so vulnerable to a single mistake. Contact a Furniture Maintenance Service in Long Island NY, to protect the thin wood from surface damage that could ruin the entire piece.

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