A Jacksonville Lawyer Can Petition the Court for a Child Custody Agreement

by | Jan 5, 2022 | Lawyer

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When a divorce is amicable, the couple may decide to have a casual parenting arrangement they do not file with the court. This is inadvisable since either person can begin disrupting a visitation or shared custody agreement without legal consequences. When that happens, the parent being denied time with the youngsters must hire a child custody lawyer in Jacksonville to resolve the problem.

A Definitive Schedule

In this situation, the individual who hires a child custody lawyer in Jacksonville typically wants a definitive schedule that both parents must abide by. The client might even be ready to request extra time with the youngsters than had been set forth in the original schedule.

Additional Time With the Children

For example, this parent might have begun working remotely or changed to a work schedule of four days per week. That brings up the possibility of spending three days each week with the kids.

The attorney will convincingly explain why this extra time together is beneficial. The parent-child relationship becomes closer. The children have a stronger sense of being co-parented instead of only visiting one day a week or every other weekend.

Adhering to the Plan

The client must be certain to follow the plan once the judge approves it. If visitation dates are occasionally missed or the custody schedule must repeatedly be adjusted, the other parent has cause to bring the case back to court. A judge will not feel very reassured about the original petitioner’s ability or commitment to stick with the schedule as it stands.

Contact information for one particular custody lawyer can be viewed at Web.

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